Briony Loves...

Aveeno Moisturising Creamy Oil £4.76 (Superdrug).

I have taken a dive into a world that I was a little reluctant to dip my to into: the world of reviews. I digest reviews for breakfast lunch and dinner. Nine times out of ten, the things I spend my hard earned dollar on are things that I have read about. There is nothing greater than a healthy dose of honesty and when it comes parting with my cash, honesty is key. How I hear you ask? Well, an honest review is in my humble opinion of greater worth than any advert laced in between the pages of your monthly mags. So, to go alongside 'Briony Says...' I have created 'Briony Loves...', letting you in on the things I love, loathe and lust after. As ever, I shall be a brutally honest as conscience allows. Expect dramas about body scrubs, confessions of chipped nail polish and blubbering about pop buttons.

I have been eyeing this up for a while, but as one of those ladies who finds it a daily challenge to keep up with the copious amounts of moisturising my dry skin needs, I have put it on the back burner. Then Superdrug intervened, knocking the price from £7.15 to a more justifiable £4.76.

Aveeno claims that the "Moisturising Creamy Oil is formulated with the concentrated goodness of finely-milled naturally active Colloidal Oatmeal and Sweet Almond Oil, known for their moisturising properties. It combines the benefits of an oil with the convenience of a cream, helping to maintain the skin's natural moisture level and prevent dry skin. Skin is left looking and feeling soft, smooth and healthy without a greasy after-feel."

I could not have put it better myself. The moisturising creamy oil is more like a lotion rather than an oil. It absorbs within seconds so there is no hanging around waiting for the moment you become less like one giant greaseball and are able to whip on your onesie once more. For me, the addition of almond oil was what lead me to slide my coins across the counter. Studies have found that the composition of the oil is somewhat similar to the natural oil found in a baby’s skin. This composition helps in protecting your skin, prevents common skin problems and keeps it youthful and healthy. BOOM, baby soft skin in your twenties becomes reality. Oh, and it smells like marzipan...yum.

Whilst the product is brilliant it does not rid you of dry skin in it's entirety. For those of you who suffer with dry, cracked or somewhat flakey skin for best results I suggest using a body scrub prior to application...Burts Bees Orange and Mango Sugar Scrub is my go-to.

Score: 4.3/5

Love B xx

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