Thursday, 6 September 2012

Holla Bitchez...

I have been away for a far while, there you are, I admit it. This doesn't mean, like some 14year old lad playing Warriors Warcraft Radiers of The Lost Testosterone, I have stopped thinking about you all and my duties as "blogger" to the 1,982 of you that have either accidently stumbled across my page or got lost on the way to bigger and better things (Facebook). But the time is nigh, I vow to you with my hand on my slightly tainted heart that I, DJ Brizzle Kicks, will write without fail every god damn day. Whether it be morning or night, expect to see me rambling on about something utterly inspirational or more often that not, utterly useless. Well, let's face it, it's about time I give my nearest and dearest a break.

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