Thursday, 13 September 2012

Four pounds fifty, please!?

I am currently sat in Starbucks (yes, other frothy coffee brands are available) eating, no savoring, the most expensive salad that has ever graced the inside of a plastic container. Four pounds and a freaking half people. A handful of leaves, which could, in all honesty, be weeds from the curb front for all I know, cucumber slices missing the very core of their being and the only bit anyone in their right mind cares about; the insides! And a scattering of measly chickpeas. Four pounds friggin fifty.

Now this could go one of two ways. I could either harp on about the overprice nature of our salad boxes, or I could man up, eat the leaves and talk about something useful.

Salad it is. No. Joking.

Today is another day in the quest to land a job. After a few hundred emails being sent out into cyber space, I have finally landed some meet and greets. *A man grasps his takeaway cup, inscribed upon it the name 'Motley', christ alive, I am in Nappyville, who ever calls a young lad 'Motley!? Thank your lucky starts you don't know Keith Lemon chap* Yes, interviews. Now as far as I can see it the process of applying for jobs can make you a) the cockiest you will ever be, or b) down in the dumps. A covering letter is no less than a personal ad to kick start your career. You will write things that you never thought you ever would. You may even get to a point when you start to consider ads in other places, for example, because you are that much of a team player, you are that reliable and you are indeed that committed, let's face it you are freaking fantastic.

I haven't got there yet, I am still trying to creep out of the dumps.

But I am not saying that that is a bad place to be. If you really think about it if you get a no, you get a no. The chances of running into the person who stamped your CV with a big fat red cross are highly unlikely. You don't have to hide you head in shame around their office area.

So be as cocky as your heart desires, sell yourself (not in that way), make them remember you no matter what.

Self reassured. I'll get typing.

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