Thursday, 10 January 2013

Slow and steady wins the race...

As many of you may know from Twitter, or possibly from hearing my screams as I squeeze into budget trainers, I have taken on a new challenge. Running. Now, I am fully aware that this may be my first and last post about running as, from past experience, the art of running has failed to grip me. And yes, I shall call it an art because, let's face it and be frank, it is bloody hard.

At this point in my post I feel a wee declaration maybe necessary. I am not running to loose weight, you will not hear me moaning and groaning about how many calories I have burnt per half mile. It is a part of what I would like to call: the sodding guilt trip that is New Year. I have made many a'resolution and this year I aim to keep at least two. At least.

My resolutions involve:
a) Be nicer.
b) Be better.
c) Be better at being nicer.

With three out of four being well, somewhat high in the sky, I am focusing the predominance of my attention on Resolution D.

So, with the aim of kicking myself up the derriere, I shall write to you my experiences. Starting today, Thursday the tenth of January, otherwise known as the day I wore a pair of non-fashion related trainers for the first time in my 22 years on the planet we call home. It was a big day, public holidays should be announced, plaques should be engraved and a brass Fila statue should be erected. Erected, whey.

And how did it go you may ask...Well, not as badly as first expected. Yes, I only ran for half an hour, and yes, a pick n' mix of walking, running and hobbling was involved. But, overall I believe that the first step in my running adventure has been conquered. Watch out Forest, I'm a' comin'. I started out slow, avoiding all possible up hill climbs. I have to admit, that besides the wardrobe (which may I say is a revolution, huh, humm, lycra), my favourite part of the whole running experience was doing the mid-run check for cars whilst sprinting across t-junctions and over mini roundabouts. This is a point, and I think seasoned runners would agree, when your ponytail is mid-flight and your arms are outstretched, that you would be forgiven for thinking that you were Kate Hudson filming the running sequence from My Best Friends Girls. That, I liked. The burning pain current taking up residence in my calves, not so much. But, pain is the name of the game, it just means it's working...RIGHT?

I shall keep you updated. In the mean time I shall be spending money I do not have on lycra, and planting chocolate based snacks at various points en route, just in case those trainers guilt trip into taking them out me once again.


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